HCFS Food for Homeless Program Serves Growing Number of Homeless Families
Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
We, the Anishinabeg, the people of Odaawaa-Zaaga'iganiing, the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe, will sustain our heritage, preserving our past, strengthening our present, and embracing our future. We will defend our inherent sovereign rights and safeguard Mother Earth. We will provide for the educational, health, social welfare, and economic stability of the present and future generations.
News &
Information of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe
StrongHearts Native Helpline: Six Years of Evolution
Tribal Housing Department Pre-Applications Now Being Accepted with Deadline on Friday
TGB Lowers Cost of Firewood Home Delivery for Elders; Increases Cost of Woodlot Permit Cards
Food 4 Kids Program Available to Students in Local Schools
SFI Memorandum at LCOOU Aims to Support Underserved Native Students
A Logo That Says “No More” to Domestic Violence
Ground Blessing Held for Native American Youth Treatment Center
LCO Health Shares New Wisconsin Support Phone Line
LCOOU Enters Into Historic Agreement with Student Freedom initiative
LCOOU Extension Offerings for Month of August
LCO Community Health Center Annual Report Released
Registration Still Open for Food 4 Kids Summer Program
LCOOU Extension Calendar Released for Month of May
What Does Ticks and Lyme's Disease Have to do With Alzheimer's
Food 4 Kids Program Now Taking Sign Ups Through Area Schools
Supportive Housing May Help to Eliminate Tribe's Hotel Voucher Use
LCOOU Announces Honors List for Fall Semester 2022
LCO Tribal Member Laurie Porter, CRITFC Lamprey Lead, Receives Award of Merit
LCO Ojibwe University Announces 2023 Spring Scholarship Awards