Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
We, the Anishinabeg, the people of Odaawaa-Zaaga'iganiing, the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe, will sustain our heritage, preserving our past, strengthening our present, and embracing our future. We will defend our inherent sovereign rights and safeguard Mother Earth. We will provide for the educational, health, social welfare, and economic stability of the present and future generations.
News &
Information of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe
LCO College Board of Regents
Meets every other Wednesday
The Board of Regents oversees the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College. It is a regulatory board with seven members, an emeritus member with no vote, a tribal governing board liaison and the college president. Board members are paid a $75 stipend per meeting. Members serve 3-year terms.
Members include;
Jason Bisonette, Chairman
Gary Gerber, Daryl Coons, Jr., Shawna Coons, Jim Schlender, Kyle Bisonette, Marie Basty
Dr. Russell Swagger, LCO College President
Daryl Coons, Sr., Emeritus
Jason Schlender, TGB Liaison
LCO College Library Board
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month
The LCO College Community Library Board oversees the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College Library. It is an ad-hoc committee with seven members and a liaison from the Sawyer County Board. Committee members receive 0 stipend per meeting.
Members include;
Marie Kuykendall, President
Katherine Mason, Vice President
Annette Wiggins, Treasurer
Thelma Nayquonabe, Christine Stamper, Iris Humphries, Leslie Ramczyk
Jim Schlender, Sawyer County Board Liaison
The Citizenship Committee
Meets 2nd Thursday of each month
9:00 am
The Citizenship Committee oversees the Citizenship Department (formerly Enrollment Office) of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe. It is a standing committee with seven members and the Citizenship Office Director. Members are paid a $75 stipend per meeting. Members serve 4-year terms.
Members include;
Dave Bisonette, Chairman
Vice Chairman, Secretary
Becky Taylor, Donna Treadway, Monica Keshic, Janet Isham, and one current vacancy
Delores DeNasha, Citizenship Director
Health Advisory Board
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month
The Health Advisory Board is a regulatory board that oversees the tribal clinic. The board has seven members and the health director. Members are paid a $75 stipend per meeting. Members serve 3-year terms.
Members include;
Vanessa Carrasco, Chairwoman
Daryl Coons, Susie Taylor, Dorothy Sharon, Faith Smith, Mona Ingerson, Vicky Carpenich
Sarah Cormell, Health Center Director
Housing Authority Board
Meets monthly
The LCO Housing Authority Board is a regulatory board that oversees the LCO Housing Authority. The board has seven members and the housing director. Members are paid a $75 stipend per meeting. Members serve 2-year terms.
Members include;
Dianna Ton, Chairwoman
Terrance Manuelito, Karen Breit, Pat Kakazu, Leslie Ramczyk, Renee DeBrot, Daniel Grover
Mark Montano, Housing Authority Director
LCO Drug Task Force
Meets monthly
The LCO Drug Task Force is an ad-hoc committee tasked with creating a tribal action plan to combat the opioid crisis that has affected LCO. The board has seven members. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting. Members have no set term.
Members include;
Dottie Crust, Chairwoman
Diane Sullivan, Vice Chairwoman
Sue Aasen, Michelle Haskins and there are currently 3 vacancies
All Directors are expected to attend monthly meetings
LCO Ojibwe School Board
No set time for meetings
The LCO Ojibwe School Board is made up of the LCO Tribal Governing Board members. The TGB members aren't paid a stipend when they meet and their term is 4-years, the term of their elected positions.
Members include;
Louis Taylor, Chairman
Jason Schlender, Vice Chairman
Jason Weaver, Secretary-Treasurer
Don Carley, Rose Gokee, Tweed Shuman, Joel Valentin
Headstart Policy Committee
Meets last Friday of the month
The LCO Headstart Policy Committee is a committee that sets policy for the LCO Headstart and Early Headstart programs. The board has four members and the headstart director. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting.
Members include;
Lucy Begay, Chairwoman
Krysten Sullivan, Vice Chairwoman
Jane Young, Secretary
Anna Amparo
Barb Biller, LCO Headstart Director
The Gaming Board of Commissioners
Meets twice monthly every other Wednesday
The Gaming Board of Commissioners, also known as the Gaming Commission, is a regulatory board that oversees all of the tribe's gaming operations to insure they operate accordingly under gaming compact regulations. The board has five members and the gaming director. Members are paid a $75 stipend per meeting. There is no set term.
Members include;
Lynette Tribble, Chairwoman
Preston Larson, Vice Chairman
Kathy Baker, Arianna Johnson, Patricia Harrington
Jim Smith, Gaming Commission Director
The Boys & Girls Club
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month
The Boys and Girls Club of Lac Courte Oreilles operates under supervision of an independent permanent board made up of seven members including the club director. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting and there is no set terms.
Members include;
Mic Isham, President
Jessica Hutchison, Vice President/Secretary
Mark Montano, Treasurer
Lorraine Gouge
Shaylena Corbine, Youth Representative
Tweed Shuman, TGB Representative
Heather Peterson, Club Director
LCO Federal Credit Union
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month
The LCO Federal Credit Union Board of Directors is a standing committee that oversees the LCO Tribe's credit union, the LCO Federal Credit Union. The board has seven members including the credit union director. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting and there is no set terms.
Members include;
Daryl Coons, Sr., Chairman
Richard Denomie, Val Hugo, Chris Isham, Kaylee Trepanier
Don Carley, TGB Liaison
Diana Cross, LCO Federal Credit Union Director
Honor the Earth Powwow Committee
Meets monthly and several times per month before Powwow
The Powwow Committee is a special purpose committee established to organize and operate the annual Honor the Earth Powwow, one of the largest powwows in North America. The committee has 15 coordinators who are paid for their work during powwow, but not for attending meetings. Their term on the committee is a lifetime appointment.
Members include;
Bonnie Corbine, Co-Chairwoman
Cathy Begay, Co-Chairwoman
Lora Edley, Gates Coordinator
Edwin Carley, Maintenance and Grounds
Susie Miller, Meals Coordinator
Jim Miller, Security
Delores Belille, Spirit Run Coordinator
Rhonda Quagon, Jingle Dress Special
Amber St. Germaine, Drum/Dance Registration
Marcy Gouge, Traditional Foods Coordinator
Lucie Anderson, Pageant Coordinator
Julie Martinson, The Stand Coordinator
Dave Kellar, Sound Coordinator
Rusty Barber, Veteran's Recognition
Jason Schlender, TGB Liaison
LCO Financial Services Board of Directors
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays every month from Noon to 1:30 pm
The LCO Financial Services Board of Directors is a regulatory board that oversees LCO Financial Services. The board has five members and the executive director and the director of operations. Members are paid a $100 stipend per meeting. Members serve 3-year terms.
Members include;
John (Randy) Cadotte., Chairman
William Trepania, Treasurer
Daylene Sharlow, Secretary
Tweed Shuman, Tribal Governing Board Representative
Don Carley, Tribal Governing Board Representative
Lee Harden, LCO Financial Services Executive Director
Trina Starr, LCO Financial Services Director of Operations
Sawyer County/LCO Economic Development Comm.
Meets first Thursday of every month
The Sawyer County/LCO Economic Development Committee is a joint committee made up of business and political leaders from both the LCO Reservation and other Sawyer County communities who work to increase economic development opportunities. The board has 17 members and a president. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting and there is no set terms.
Members include;
Lynn Fitch, President
Tweed Shuman, Jason Weaver, Jim Anderson, Desmonde Bennett, Steve Buchart, Leo Carlson, Linda Graham, Dan Hinman, Troy Morgan, Emily Neff, Craig Olson, Bruce Paulson, Ed Peters, Chris Ruckdaschel, Heather Sheehan, Mike Stamp, Ty Wiley.
CCS Board of Directors
Meets Quarterly
The Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Board of Directors is a standing committee that oversees the CCS program operated under LCO Behavioral Services. The board has six members and the director. Members are paid $75 stipend per meeting and there is no set terms.
Members include;
Marie Kuykendall, Chairwoman
Rose Barber, Lisa Kisch, Laurie Rice, Deb Baker, Becky Taylor
Marie Basty, CCS Director
Namekagon Transit Board of Directors
Meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:30
The Namekagon Transit Board of Directors is a joint board between representatives from Sawyer County and Lac Courte Oreilles that oversees the Namekagon Transit, a public transportation agency that serves both, the LCO Reservation, Hayward and surrounding areas. The board has six members. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting and there is no set terms.
Members include;
Tweed Shuman., Chairman
Marie Kuykendall, Ron Buckholz, Hal Helwig, Elaine Nyberg
Don Carley, TGB Representative
Big Fish Golf Course Board of Directors
Meets every other Wed. at 1:00 pm at the golf course
The Big Fish Golf Course Board of Directors oversees the operations of the newly-acquired golf course by the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe. The board consists of 5 members and the manager of the golf course. Members are paid 0 stipend per meeting and there are no set terms.
Members include;
Christopher Rusk., Chairman
Randy Cadotte, Joe Morey, and one current vacancy
Michelle Beaudin, TGB representative
Tweed Shuman, TGB liaison
William LaPointe, Golf Course General Manager