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LCO School Superintendent Reports Staff and Students Work to Keep School a Safe Environment

By Jessica "Hutch" Hutchison

LCO Ojibwe School Superintendent

We have returned to school in a fully masked environment until the community spread returns to a safe level. I am so extremely proud of our students and staff for their dedication to maintaining a safe school environment and grateful for the support of the parents and community in our efforts. I am also very proud to report that 56% of our eligible students have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and 84% of our staff have as well. We are coordinating with the Lac Courte Oreilles Health Center to offer both COVID and flu shot clinics for students this fall.

School staff will be working closely with Sawyer County Public Health when a positive COVID-19 case is identified in either a school staff member or student. We will work together to conduct thorough investigations to track, trace and contain positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts. We will be providing testing for students that are symptomatic, in order to quickly identify positive cases as well as to eliminate the need for students to be sent home that can otherwise stay in school.


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