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The Grants and Planning Dept. Report New Grant Awards

1. Administration for Native Americans, Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Program, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The LCO Conservation Department will use their 3-year, $413,894 grant to create Tribal Wetland Management Program. They will plan to hire a Wetlands Specialist and Technician to carry out the project.

Primary writer: Melissa Lewis of LCO Conservation, assisted by Grants staff.

2. Tribal Court Improvement Project, Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Five years, $575,794.

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Court will conduct a comprehensive assessment to increase its efficiency and collaboration with social services departments, provide training and resources for court staff, and develop lay advocates for children served by the court. A Project Coordinator will be hired to implement the project.

Primary writer: Janet Quaderer, assisted by Grants, Court, Legal, and ICW staff.

3. Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation 2018, U.S. Department of Justice

Purpose Area 3, Tribal Court . Three years, $724,585.

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Court will develop a Healing to Wellness Court to help participants transition to a drug free life by: (1) ensuring services planned for each participant are arranged and delivered; (2) monitoring participation and progress-and accountability to the requirements set by the court; and (3) To keep the operational team informed about progress-and about the performance of service providers. A Case Manager will be employed by the Court to oversee services.

Primary writer: Lorene (Booki) Wielgot, assisted by Grants and Court staff.

4. Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation, 2018, U.S. Department of Justice

Purpose Area 5, Violence Against Women Tribal Governments Program.

Three years, $412,231.

With this funding, Oakwood Haven Domestic Abuse Shelter will: (1) develop a systemic response to sexual assault on Native American people who live and near on the LCO Reservation; (2 Develop a Sexual Assault Response Team genuine to LCO; and (3) pediatric training for the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). Oakwood Haven partnered with Wisconsin End Abuse, Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and the Lac Courte Oreilles Health Center to plan and implement this project. A Sexual Assault Advocate will be hired with this grant.

Primary writer: Kristi Perry, assisted by Grants and Oakwood Haven staff, and the Community Health Nurse, Jenna Rainville.

5. Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation, 2018, U.S. Department of Justice

Purpose Area 7, Comprehensive Victim Assistance Program (OVC).

Three years, $449,973.

This project will ensure that multidisciplinary services are provided to victims of drug-related crimes to reduce the effects of traumatic experiences on families and the community. This project will serve children, elders & their families who have been victims of crimes/violence and drug-related crimes. A Child/Elder Advocate will be hired.

Primary writer: Kristi Perry, assisted by Grants and Oakwood Haven staff.

6. Tribal Opioid Response Grant, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Two years, $258,202.

The intent of the project is to reduce unmet treatment needs and opioid related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment and recovery activities for opioid use disorders. The project will: (1) develop a Comprehensive Strategic Opioid Response Plan (CSORP); (2) enhance Medication-Assisted Services (MAT) to those diagnosed with an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD); and (3) develop and implement a Peer Support Specialist program. A Project Coordinator will be hired.

Primary writer: Janet Quaderer, assisted by Grants, CCS and Pharmacy staff.

7. Circles of Care Grant, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Four years, $1,124,737.

Originally submitted in 2016, the project's intent is to reduce the burden of mental

health and substance abuse disorders among youth and families in the LCO community by creating a wrap-around system of care among youth-serving agencies. The goals are: (1) Improve collaboration between tribal and community youth-serving agencies in support of a "wrap-around" system of mental health care; (2) Improve the capacity of existing youth and family-serving agencies to screen for, treat, and make appropriate referrals for mental health and substance abuse disorders; (3) Increase policies and procedures intended to improve mental health care access for community members and tribal employees; and (4) Expand community involvement in the development and implementation of innovative, wrap-around initiatives.

Note: Grantees are not allowed to provide direct services with this grant opportunity.

Three staff positions are created: Project Director, Program Coordinator, and a Data Manager.

Primary writer: Raeanne Madison (Contracted) of Michigan, assisted by Jenny Ingram and Lorene Wielgot.

8. Professional Development, Indian Education Discretionary Grants, U.S. Department of Education. Five years, $1,366,779.

The primary purpose of the Nandagikenjiganashk Project is to a) increase the number of highly qualified native educators capable of developing the cultural and scientific skills of the future tribal workforce and b) placing them in schools with high Ojibwe student populations (Lac Courte Oreilles & Waadookodaading). The application addressed the following Applicable Grant Priorities: Absolute Priority One: Pre-Service training for teachers; Absolute Priority Two: Pre-service administrator training; and Competitive Preference Priority 4: project designed to increase educators of science, technology, engineering, math, or computer science. A total of 37 participants will be served by the grant to Waadookodaading in partnership with Northland College.

Primary writer: Dr. Stanley Roy Jonjak ("Jonjak"), assisted by Brooke Ammann and Lorene (Booki) Wielgot.

9. Incentives for Foster Parent Retention, Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Division of Safety and Permanence. One year, $43,084.

The overall goal of this project is to increase the number of foster parents on the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation by giving current foster families positive experiences and incentives for fostering children in the LCO Indian Child Welfare system. Funds will be used to provide supportive services to foster families, provide access to tribal elders and spiritual advisors for advice on raising Native children, coming of age ceremonies, and to travel to other tribes to learn new techniques and practices for expediting the foster parent certification process.

Primary Writer: Kristi Perry, assisted by Chally Thompson.

10. Independent Living Innovation Grant, Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Division of Safety and Permanence.18 months, $150,000.

The overall goal of this project is to identify and implement ways to reduce transportation barriers facing youth in out-of-home care. This grant will compensate foster parents in increased insurance rates, and any deductibles, all fees associated with licensing of the child, trips to cities navigate the transit systems of those cities, local bus tokens to for local transportation needs as well as laptops to be used for the children to take their driving education classes. A Project Coordinator will be hired.

Primary Writer: Kristi Perry, assisted by Chally Thompson.

Kudos to the grant and planning team for all your hard work and dedication to the Tribe. As well to all the various directors that assisted with writing these grants.


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