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Memorial Day Event to be Held at Kinnamon Museum

At 11:30 a.m. Monday, May 25, the LCO Amvets Post 1998 will host LCO's Annual Memorial Day Event at the Kinnamon Museum on the corner of Hwy K and E. This will be a brief ceremony to recognize the contributions of tribal members in military service and those who passed away this past year. 

All visitors to the event are asked to remain in their vehicles and can listen to the ceremony on WOJB 88.9 FM radio. The specific details of the event are listed in the flyer below.

Those veterans who passed in the past year include; Bertha Ann Christensen, U.S. Army Air Force, World War II; Daryl Charles Coons Sr., US Navy, World War II; Robert A. Quaderer, US Army Vietnam; Stanley Owen Quagon, U.S. Army, Vietnam Era; Bradley Allen Wilson, U.S. Army.


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