LCO Ojibwe School
Press Announcement
The Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe School Received a US Department of Education Native American Language grant to fund the Ogikendamaawin Anishinaabe Project, an Ojibwe immersion program for the K-12 school.
With the support of the LCO Grants Department and current LCO School Ojibwemowin Specialist Rosie Gonzalez, the k-12 school has been awarded a $350,000 grant per year for three years to expand the schools existing language program to include an immersion option for students in grades k-12. Funding will support professional development opportunities through the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University for all staff with emphasis on language instructors, designed to more fully incorporate language acquisition for all students and staff. Additionally the Ogikendamaawin Anishinaabe Project will engage parents and caregivers in language acquisition by creating and sharing resources for home use.
The project will begin October 1st, 2024 and continue for the next three years, with additional support coming through the continued use of Department of Indian Education funds that support existing language instruction.
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