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LCO AmVets Create Scholarship

Jessica Wagner-Schultz, MNM

Director of Institutional Advancement

LCO Ojibwe College

LCO Am Vets Post 1998, contributed a $500 scholarship to Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College December 20, 2019. The gift was presented by the LCO AM Vets Fundraising Committee, Clifton Korn (Mandaamin), Gary Quaderer, Sr., and Paul D. Wharton, to the College’s Board of Regents Vice-Chair, Monica Chase, Secretary Daryl Coons, Jr., and General Counsel James Schlender, Jr.

“This scholarship is something the LCO AM Vets is looking to make an annual event, the funds are the results of our annual activities and fund-raising events” shares Gary Quaderer, Sr., Financial Officer for the LCO AM Vets.

The LCO AM Vets also contribute to LCO Schools, Hayward, and Winters School Districts, this is the first time the AM Vets have contributed to the College.

“Scholarship contributions, like this one, remove barriers for our students. When a student is worried about how they are going to be able to afford childcare, rent, or groceries they have less time to study and attend class. The more barriers that we can remove for our students the more likely they will be successful. In addition to scholarship support, the College, as a part of our strategic plan, is currently exploring housing and childcare options for our students.” shares Dr. Russell Swagger, President of Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College.

The Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College Student Scholarship Fund accepts donations year-round, visit or call Jessica Wagner-Schultz, Director of Institutional Advancement at 715-634-4790 ext. 186 to learn more.

From L-R) Daryl Coons Jr, James Schlender Jr, Monica Chase, Gary Quaderer, Clifton Korn and Paul Wharton.

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