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Clinic to Offer Childhood Immunizations

Jeanine Connell BSN, RN

LCO Communtiy Health Center

Beginning Monday, June 8th, the Lac Courte Oreilles Community Health Center will offer scheduled childhood immunizations in the lower level Chiropractic area of the clinic. Please call 715-638-5100 to schedule your appointment.  Please only bring the child/ children receiving the immunizations and one parent.  The appointments will be scheduled in ½ hour increments to minimize contact between people.   Clients will be screened in the lower level vestibule before entering the clinic and will be asked to wear a mask.  If the child is not yet registered with the clinic, please ask to have registration papers mailed to you before your appointment so the paperwork is completed before your visit. 

Again, please call ahead to schedule your appointment so Nursing can prepare for the immunization visit.

If you have any questions about what immunizations your child is due for, please ask to speak with a Nurse.


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