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Chief Medical Doctor Reports Zero Covid Cases Over Two Weeks

By Joe Morey

News Editor

LCO’s Chief Medical Doctor gave another positive report to the LCO Tribal Governing Board (TGB) regarding recent Covid testing at the clinic. On Tuesday, March 22, Dr. Steve Miszkiewicz reported on Monday there were eight patients tested with zero positives. The prior week there were also zero positive test results at LCO.

Over last week, Dr. Steve said there were only 350 positives in the entire state of Wisconsin compared to 38,000 positives just two months ago on January 16.

“I am cautiously optimistic regarding Covid, but still, I am very wary of other Respiratory illness in the next six weeks or so,” Dr. Steve noted. “We are looking to transition all Covid testing to the current Urgent Care entrance starting on April 4th.”

The hours and availability for testing will remain the same.

“This will allow us to better utilize our staff to begin returning to a more normal style of healthcare delivery,” Dr. Steve stated.

Dr. Steve thanked the TGB for their support during this incredibly difficult time.

“I know it has at times been frustrating! But it means an awful a lot to me to have a governing body who cares so deeply about its people and their wellbeing!”


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