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A Christmas Message from the Chairman

LCO Chairman Louis Taylor

On behalf of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Governing Board, I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Together, we’ve worked hard to make our Tribe the best that it can be for all our families that make this a community, and as we enter the holiday season, we can reflect on our blessings.


I’m proud of how far we’ve come in recent years and how much our community has grown, despite facing tremendous odds with a health pandemic and a drug epidemic that has touched every one of our families. We’ve grown the services we’ve always known and expanded our offering to include so much more, from our social and human services to our elder and youth services and from our public safety and emergency management to our recreational and educational programs.


All that we’ve accomplished couldn’t have been achieved without the hard work and sacrifice of all our tribal leaders and employees. I hope that you will accept my warmest wishes for the holiday season. You have all worked so hard and I hope that each of you can take some downtime over the holidays with the people that are dearest to you. I thank you all for your hard work and dedication to this Tribe.


As we celebrate the holidays and welcome a new year, my hope for you all is to continue to share joyful memories, laughter and good cheer with your loved ones this Christmas.


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