By Joe Morey
News Editor
Sister Felissa Zander of the St. Francis Solanus Indian Mission located in Reserve on the LCO Reservation was presented a check for $10,000 from the LCO Tribal Governing Board as a donation to help the church and school during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
“You’re a part of our community,” said LCO Chairman Louis Taylor. “You’ve taught a lot of children through the years. This is to show our appreciation.”
LCO Sec-Treasurer told Sister Felissa the donation was from the Covid Relief funds. “We want to share this with you because you do have many of our children in your school.”
LCO Vice Chairwoman Lorraine gouge recognized that the St. Francis Church has been doing a lot to help the community through the pandemic.
“We appreciate what you’ve done for our people,” TGB Member Gary “Little Guy” Clause said.
Pictured from L-R) Sec-Treasurer Michelle Beaudin, Vice Chairwoman Lorraine Gouge, Sister Felissa, Chairman Louis Taylor and Gary "Little Guy" Clause.