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TGB Issues Mask Mandate for All Tribal Entities

By Joe Morey

News Editor

On Monday, Nov. 8, the LCO Tribal Governing Board (TGB) voted to mandate masks for all tribal programs and facilities until further notice. With a vote of 3-2 in favor, the reinstated mask mandate will include all customers and clients entering any tribal facility, which includes businesses.

The vote to pass the mask mandate was approved by TGB members Glenda Barber, Michelle Beaudin and Don Carley. Voting against were LCO Secretary-Treasurer Tweed Shuman and Gary “Little Guy” Clause, who both stated they wanted the policy to remain with a strong recommendation for mask use. LCO Vice Chairwoman Lorraine Gouge wasn’t in attendance at the meeting.

During discussion of the mask mandate at their weekly meeting, LCO Chairman Louis Taylor also expressed his opinion that masking shouldn’t be mandated, but highly recommended. The Chairman doesn’t have a vote unless there is a tie.

The mask mandate goes into effect immediately for everyone, regardless of whether you’ve been vaccinated.


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