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LCO Conservation Issues Wild Ricing Update

The Lac Courte Oreilles Conservation Department issued the following statement on Monday, Aug. 28, regarding the Wild Rice season.


It’s ricing season again and we would like to give everyone an update on the rice.

For the most part in our area Manoomin is running late this year.

As of Aug. 28, 2023, none of the date-regulated lakes are posted to open yet. This will change when the Rice Chiefs feel the beds are ready. When that happens, it will be posted on the GLIFWC website and we’ll make sure it’s posted on the LCO Conservation Department Facebook page.

Another thing to remember is that as of last year four beds were added to the date-regulated list. They are Chippewa Lake, Pacwawong Lake, Minong Flowage (Smith Bridge), and Island Lake. If you rice on these lakes before it is opened, you are ricing illegally.

Please be considerate of Manoomin on the non-date-regulated beds and Manoomin will take care of you. If the rice isn’t falling well, if it is milky, or there are still flowers on the plant these are signs that the rice isn’t ready.

Chi-miigwech and happy ricing!


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