By Joe Morey
News Editor
LCO Ojibwe School Director Jessica “Hutch” Hutchison told the LCO Tribal Governing Board (TGB) on Tuesday, May 19, that they received the last weekend meal shipment from the Hayward Food4Kids program for the school year. She said after four school staff loaded the shipment with the help of Hayward Food Shelf volunteers they found out it was literally a ton of food.
The Food4Kids Backpack Program started at LCO on March 24 following approval by the TGB along with a $5,000 donation to the food shelf to help with the start-up. Hutch explained at that time the funds would support 90 students bringing home weekend meals for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.
Laurie Kennedy, Food4Kids Coordinator, said the total weight of the bags the LCO kids received over the two months was 11,164.6 lbs.
Kennedy thanked Hutch and LCO TGB Member Tweed Shuman for their efforts in getting the program started and helping hungry LCO kids get the food they need.
“We are thrilled this went so well. We look forward to working with you and LCO to help stomp out hunger,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy earlier explained that every meal has two lunches with an entrée, vegetable, fruit, and a breakfast and snacks. She said they make sure it’s not too heavy and little kids can carry the package, or fit right into their backpack.
Hutch said the amount of food contributed to the students was pretty incredible.
“We will continue to coordinate over the summer and to continue the program with our students next fall,” Hutch noted. “Both Jason Bisonette and Jim Kingfisher, and his wife Cricket, deserve a ton of credit for supporting this program and making sure that this program was able to be so well supported.”
Hayward Community Food Shelf Volunteers