Louis Taylor
LCO Tribal Chairman
On behalf of the Tribal Governing Board, I sincerely hope everyone is healthy and stays healthy during these very trying times. With the rise in COVID-19, or coronavirus cases in Sawyer County, it is inevitable that cases would reach our Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation. We currently know of five (5) cases within our Tribal Membership, of which our health officials are continuing to monitor. Many of you already understand the HIPAA law, which is a federal law that protects health information and ensures privacy for all patients. As of this writing the numbers are:
44 Positive Cases in Sawyer County 24 Recovered
2,600 Negative
119 Suspect Cases
0 Deaths
As a Tribal Government, it is important that we continue to provide services to our tribal communities. Please keep checking the Lac Courte Oreilles website and the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Facebook page for updates on COVID-19 and changes in tribal services and functions. The Tribal Governing Board is working on directives that will include social distancing in every location throughout the Reservation, mandatory mask wearing in all offices and businesses, increased testing for employees and community members, virtual meetings, shifting work to limit close contact, enhancing sanitation measures, and limiting social gatherings .
Other precautionary measures we're working on include:
acquiring disposable masks for membership distribution;
acquiring shelters for individuals/families for quarantining;
additional cleaning and disinfecting;
pre-screening at tribal government offices;
mandatory masks at offices and businesses;
service programs limiting face to face contact and doing phone or electronic communications;
plexiglass installed at all offices and businesses;
sanitizer and soap provided throughout offices and businesses;
no loitering allowed in any offices.
Regarding the recent confirmed cases, individuals who came in close contact with those who tested positive, following CDC guidelines, all close contacts have selfÂ-quarantined and continue to monitor for symptoms. Close contact is defined as anyone who has been in an enclosed space with a person who texted positive for 15 minutes or more, with or without a mask on.
If you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, a fever, sudden loss of taste or smell, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, muscle aches, nausea, muscle aches, vomiting or diarrhea, please call the COVID-19 hotline at 715-934-4518 to schedule a test.
Each of us plays a role in helping to prevent the spread of the virus. Please maintain social distancing, wash yours hands frequently, wear a mask when in public, take every safety precaution available to you. A good tip is to act as if you have the virus to prevent unknowingly spreading the virus to others-keep your distance, wear a mask, no hugging or shaking hands, wash hands often. It's possible that you're carrying the virus and not show any symptoms of being sick; however, it is highly likely you will give it to someone else. We must accept that this is the "new" normal.
The Tribal Governing Board is deeply grateful to all employees and volunteers that are working day and night to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our Lac Courte Oreilles People. Together, we will get through this.